Which are your favourite TV programs?
how do you watch it?
banyak kot.
the most favourita!
i also linked this to my favourite episodes.
just click it.and you just second away to share the excitement.
most of the shows aku tengok kt tv-lah
paling senang.hehe.
except for heroes.
i take it from my friends.
i'm in process downloading new seasons too.
Do you like music and fashion?
where do you learn about
new trends in music and fashion?
of course i like.
music is life lah.
and how i'm gonna look gorgeous outside if aku ketinggalan in fashion.
or poor in fashion.
aku selalu di update kan dengan lagu2 baru
di youtube,TV and magazine.
and i usually affected by the new trends of music by my friends.
and from tv and internet a little bit.
and now.
aku sangat suka dengar lagu2 cover.
actually lama dah minat eventhough sekarang ramai to electro.
i prefer punk rock electro cover.
cool gila.
check out
about fashion pula.
tv entertainment and kawan banyak jadi pengaruh lah.
kalau latest pon tapi kita pakai sorang jek cm lain jugak.
tapi aku selalu lah up to date pasal fashion ni.
untuk majlis yang formal sikit or pergi kelas.
aku suka pakai camni.
look smart and mature.
i really love this shirts.
can someone belikan or dapatkan untuk aku.
cool en.:)
Please tell us about singers and band
you're into and why do you like them?
where do you get most of your music?
i like electrified music.
means electro lah.
so all of this group's song are very very phenominal.
Black Eyed Peas
hey.aku support jugak taw local music industry.
means my music taste ni universal lah.
i really adore this 3 talents.superb.
Lah Ahmad.Faizal Tahir.Aizat
this 3 talents have very beautiful voices.
and Black Eyed Peas talents in making music is very fantastic.no doubt about it.
The Energy Never Dies.
i usually download my favourites music online.
and when it comes to hard-to-get situation.
so i just bluetooth from my friends.
Do you enjoy reading books?
what are the last three book u have read?
aku tak suka sangat baca buku.
tapi when it comes to buku yang aku suka dan menarik.
i enjoy it.
the last three books that i have read.
P.S. I love you
Manisnya Cinta
Aku Budak Setan
dua yang atas sekali tu mesti confirm korang rase aku ni jiwang en.
guess what.P.S I Love You.aku jumpa dalam my sister room.
and Manisnya Cinta.my ex girl suruh bace.then bacelah.
the most favourite is Aku Budak Setan.
this is online novel.
underground kot.sebab sangat best.boleh download.hehe.
story about hostel life kt school.my senior kt sekolah dulu buat.
sekarang dah dibukukan tak silap.
Where do you find information
about entertainment that you like?
nothing but entertaiment channel kat tv-lah.
on web pon boleh.
friends pon sometimes give important information.
do visit my blog.
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