Thursday, May 27, 2010

~our hero the internet~

man, you guys are damn damn fast..
i had trouble with exams and bla bla bla other boring stuffs,
explains my late posts for this blog..


what have we here?


To me , its the best invention that scientist have ever came up with, i spend like 24 hours online.. since the internet could be accessed anywhere anytime and without any boundaries,
i believe i have abused the real "good cause" of its creation. even im on busses or in lrts i would go surfing the net on my phone, and yes sometimes during my toilet breaks hahahaha..

I use the internet for almost everything.. but mainly its my only way to connect with my friends and family back in malaysia. but at times i do search the net for recipes (yes guys can cook -.-") or even just to download movies. i mean seriously, its the best ever platform to do anything in the world. you could buy stuffs, downloads, connect and the best thing yet, it helps you answer any questions that happen to pop in your head thanks to the search engines.

(isnt the internet just cool, and no this isnt edited, try it yourself)

Another fact i guess you should know, is that whenever i go online i would use my favorite nick name, yup, i think you should have figured out by now , it is:


Well i do receive a lot of questions regarding this name,what does "OP" actually mean. well, "OP" is actually a tittled given by the king for all graduates of RMC. so yeah, since i am a graduate, i always use it. its not that important anyway. i mean, i just put the initials there to make it look "cool"

Finding friends online is a must for all internet users. i actually did get to know a couple of friends online and i feel really really really close to them. it just happened that we were introduced by a friend online and we started chatting and we started to be really great friends. oh thank you lord internet for this unbelievable opportunity.

well a matter of trusting i guess comes from the way he/she interacts. this girl IFFAH seems nice and i guess we have the same character but "gedikness" haha. soo, yeah, the way he/she represents yourself would really mean a lot. trust would be gained if he/she shows that they deserve to be trusted and i totally trust IFFAH..

to iffah: kau wajib belanja aku. haha

My parents are really cool, they never ever monitored me when im going online, seriously, i believe that their presents make me uncomfortable and rather glad they trust me, so if they do trust me, i need to show that i earn their trust. i should be watching things i shouldnt be watching and keep a well schedule so that it does not interfere with my personal life. i guess they think that its ok for me to go online, given the condition that i do not neglect my studies and my reality life. which simply means never be to obsessed.

Lastly, i believe the fact that says internet harms your connection with friends is totally unfeasible. why? i believe that internet is the one that helps us strengthen the bond between friends. we get updated with their current activities via social networking sights and most importantly get us connected even how far apart we are from each other . and that means a lot for someone studying overseas.

ps: i wonder how to get bored by going online. theres soo much to do.

till we meet again.. [-_-]
Op uLyA aQaMaH BiN Op HuSaMuDiN

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